The Ultimate Guide to Composition Roofing: Durability, Types, and Benefits

Roofing is a crucial aspect of any home, and with the plethora of options available, homeowners often find themselves overwhelmed. One of the emerging trends in the roofing industry is the use of composition roof tiles. These tiles, known for their durability and versatility, are quickly becoming a favorite among homeowners and roofing professionals alike. At TecHero Roofing, we’ve delved deep into the world of composition roofing to provide you with a comprehensive guide on its types, durability, and benefits.

What Exactly Are Composition Roof Tiles?

Composition roof tiles are a blend of various materials, meticulously combined to produce the final tile. These tiles are not limited to a single material but are a fusion of several, resulting in a robust and durable roofing solution. Commonly, asphalt shingle tiles, which consist of materials such as asphalt, resin, and granules, are referred to as composition tiles. However, the market also offers tiles made from recycled materials like fiberglass, paper, plastic, rubber, and more. These tiles are gaining traction because they can emulate other popular roofing styles, offering homeowners a plethora of aesthetic choices without compromising on quality.

Diverse Types of Composition Roofing

Composition roofing is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Depending on your aesthetic preferences, budget, and specific needs, there are several types to choose from:

  • Asphalt Shingles: Dominating the roofing market in the USA, asphalt shingles are versatile and come in various styles. From the cost-effective three-tab shingles with their flat appearance to the dimensional shingles that can mimic other roofing styles, there’s something for everyone. For those seeking the pinnacle of quality, luxury shingles are the way to go.
  • Composite Slate Tiles: Crafted from recycled materials, these tiles are designed to resemble slate tiles. They’re perfect for those who adore the slate tile aesthetic but have concerns about their roof bearing the weight of genuine slate.
  • Composite Clay Tiles: These tiles are a nod to the historic barrel roof tiles. While traditional clay tiles are heavy and prone to breakage, their composite counterparts eliminate these concerns, offering durability without compromising on the classic look.
  • Composite Cedar Shakes: For homeowners who yearn for the rustic charm of wood without its associated drawbacks, composite cedar shakes are the answer. Traditional wooden shakes pose fire hazards, but with composite tiles, you can achieve the desired look without the risks.

How Durable Are Composition Roof Tiles?

Durability is often a top concern for homeowners. With composition roofing, you’re investing in longevity. While the exact lifespan of a composite roof depends on its specific material composition, on average, they can last up to 50 years. In contrast, an asphalt shingle roof has a lifespan ranging from 20 to 30 years, contingent on the shingle type and maintenance. The inherent durability of composite roofs means fewer worries about cracks, breaks, or leaks, especially during inclement weather. Plus, many composite roofs come with warranties, further solidifying their status as a long-term investment.

Why Choose Composition Roof Tiles?

Beyond their durability and aesthetic versatility, composition roof tiles offer several other benefits:

  • Weight Considerations: Traditional roofing materials like clay and slate are heavy, often requiring roof reinforcement. Composition roofs, being lighter, simplify the installation process and eliminate the need for additional structural support.
  • Authentic Appearance: While many homeowners are drawn to the authentic look of slate or clay, composition tiles offer a near-indistinguishable appearance from the ground. This means you can achieve the desired aesthetic without the hefty price tag.
  • Warranty Assurance: Unlike natural materials, which often lack warranties due to their inherent variability, composite roofs typically come with manufacturer’s warranties. This provides an added layer of confidence in your roofing investment.


Composition roofing is a testament to the advancements in the roofing industry, offering homeowners a blend of aesthetics, durability, and value. Whether you’re in Clearwater or seeking roofing services in Simi Valley CA, TecHero Roofing is here to guide you through your roofing journey. With our expertise and commitment to quality, we ensure that your home is not only protected but also stands out in your neighborhood. So, the next time you think of roof repair in Simi Valley or any other roofing needs, remember that TecHero Roofing has got you covered.